Delay-Sensitive Local Plasticity in Echo State Networks
Iacob S, Cavlis S, Poirazi P, Dambre J
International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN)
, Jun 2023 | DOI: 10.1109/IJCNN54540.2023.10191901

Tags: 2023 , Machine Learning , Plasticity

Delay-Sensitive Local Plasticity in Echo State Networks
Stefan Iacob, Spyridon Chavlis, Panayiota Poirazi, Joni Dambre
IEEE, Jun 2023 | DOI10.1109/IJCNN54540.2023.10191901

Tags: 2023 , Network Model , Plasticity

Synaptic turnover promotes efficient learning in bio-realistic spiking neural networks
Malakasis N, Chavlis S, Poirazi P
bioRχiv, May 2023 | DOI:  10.1101/2023.05.22.541722
IEEE, Oct 2023 | DOI: 10.1109/IEEECONF59524.2023.10476829

Tags: 2023 , Learning and Memory , Machine Learning , Plasticity , Preprint

Synaptic Clustering and Memory Formation
Kastellakis G, Poirazi P
Frontiers in Molecular Neuroscience, Dec 2019 | 10.3389/fnmol.2019.00300

Tags: 2019 , Dendrites , Learning and Memory , Neuroscience , Plasticity , Review

Bozelos P, Poirazi P
Impact of Structural Plasticity on Memory Capacity. In: van Ooyen A, Butz-Ostendorf M (eds) The Rewiring Brain: A computational approach to structural plasticity in the adult brain, pp. 319-341. Academic Press (2017) | DOI: 10.1016/B978-0-12-803784-3.00015-9

Tags: 2017 , Learning and Memory , Neuroscience , Plasticity

…with Love, from Post to Pre
Poirazi P, Kastellakis G
Neuron, Sep 2017 | DOI: 10.1016/j.neuron.2017.09.02

Tags: 2017 , Learning and Memory , Neuroscience , Plasticity , Preview

Synaptic plasticity in dendrites: complications and coping strategies
Mel BW, Schiller J, Poirazi P
Current Opinion in Neurobiology, Apr 2017 | DOI:  10.1016/j.conb.2017.03.012

Tags: 2017 , Dendritic Plasticity , Neuroscience , Plasticity , Review

Linking Memories across Time via Neuronal and Dendritic Overlaps in Model Neurons with Active Dendrites
Kastellakis G, Silva AJ, Poirazi P
Cell Reports, Nov 2016 | DOI:  10.1016/j.celrep.2016.10.015

Tags: 2016 , Circuit Model , Dendrites , Dendritic Computations , Learning and Memory , Network Model , Neuroscience , Plasticity

Computational modeling of the effects of amyloid-beta on release probability at hippocampal synapses
Romani A, Marchetti C, Bianchi D, Leinekugel X, Poirazi P, Migliore M, Marie H
Frontiers in Computational Neuroscience, Jan 2013 | DOI: 10.3389/fncom.2013.00001

Tags: 2013 , Hippocampus , Neural Computations , Neuroscience , Plasticity

Papoutsi A, Sidiropoulou K, Poirazi P
Memory beyond synaptic plasticity: The role of intrinsic neuronal excitability. In: Memory Mechanisms in Health and Disease: Mechanistic basis of memory, pp. 53-80. World Scientific Publishing Co (2012) | DOI: 10.1142/9789814366700_0003

Tags: 2012 , Learning and Memory , Neuroscience , Plasticity

CREB regulates excitability and the allocation of memory to subsets of neurons in the amygdala
Zhou Y, Won J, Karlsson MG, Zhou M, Rogerson T, Balaji J, Neve R, Poirazi P, Silva AJ
Nature Neuroscience, Sep 2009 | DOI: 10.1038/nn.2405

Tags: 2009 , Amygdala , Learning and Memory , Neuroscience , Plasticity