Manolis Christofides award to Dr Poirazi
The Cypriot President, Nicos Anastasiadis gives Dr. Poirazi the “Manolis Christofides” award in a Ceremony that took place in Nicosia on March 14, 2014. Via
TEDx Heraklion, 2014
Dr. Poirazi participated in the recent TEDx event which took place in Heraklion, Crete on February 8, 2014. The presentation was about the role of dendrites in memory formation.
Panayiota Poirazi is giving a talk at TEDx Heraklion
Dr. Panayiota Poirazi, is giving a talk at TEDx Herakleion this February. Prismanews The event homepage.
Dissertation defense of Nestoras Karathanassis
Congratulations to Nestoras Karathanassis for successfully defending his PhD dissertation thesis “miRNAs and cancer. An experimental and Bioinformatics approach.” During the course of his PhD, Nestoras studied the role of miRNAs in cancer and developed bioinformatics tools for the identification of mature miRNAs.
Dissertation defense of A. Papoutsi
Congratulations to our lab member Athanasia Papoutsi for successfully defending her PhD thesis ”Modeling approaches for analyzing persistent activity in the prefrontal cortex”. During her PhD candidacy, Dr. Papoutsi examined the role of dendritic integration, morphology, and biophysics in the function of the prefrontal cortex.
Journal of European Parliament “Parliament Magazine” reference to the “dEMORY” project
In the journal of European Parliament “Parliament Magazine” (issue 381, 16 December 2013), which is dedicated to the Greek Presidency, there is a specific reference (p. 51) to the “dEMORY” project, an ERC Starting Grant to P. Poirazi and the related research activities at FORTH/IMBB in Heraklion, Crete, Greece.
Panayiota Poirazi, promoted to Research Director
Dr. Panayiota Poirazi, Principal Researcher of the Institute of Molecular Biology and Biotechnology (IMBB / FORTH) was promoted to a Research Director.