Dendrites of dentate gyrus granule cells contribute to pattern separation by controlling sparsity
Check out our new paper on pattern separation that was just published in Hippocampus. The paper describes the role of dentate granule cell dendrites in pattern separation by using a simple, yet biologically relevant, computational network model. Congratulations to all authors and especially to Spiros Chavlis! Here is the online publication.
Dr. Poirazi, IMBB-FORTH researcher, elected as a member of EMBO
Dr. Poirazi joins 65 other outstanding researchers who have been newly-elected to the organisation which promotes excellence in the life sciences. There are currently 1700 EMBO members and more than 59 Nobel laureates amongst the membership. The goals of EMBO are to support talented researchers at all stages of their careers and help build a […]
The perfect grant and how to get it
Nature journal just published an opinion article authored by Dr. Poirazi on the hassles of financial support in academia and the pursuit of ideal grant schemes. Special thanks to Dr. Tim Vogels, University of Oxford, Dr. Matthew Grubb, King College London, and Dr. Carlos Ribeiro, Champalimaud Centre for the Unknown, who jointly helped with the co-ordination of the reported survey.
IMBB researchers probe the role of dendrites in memory storage in the brain
Research at the Institute of Molecular Biology and Biotechnology in collaboration with Columbia University published in the scientific journal Neuron reveals the role of mossy cells in environment discrimination in awake, behaving animals. Researchers combined experimental with computational methods in order to study the function of these excitatory cells. Hippocampus is a key brain area involved in memory formation, […]
Linking Memories across Time via Neuronal and Dendritic Overlaps in Model Neurons with Active Dendrites
George Kastellaki’s research has been published in Cell Reports under the title: “Linking Memories across Time via Neuronal and Dendritic Overlaps in Model Neurons with Active Dendrites”. Here are the online publication and the IMBB-FORTH press release: “Research at the Institute of Molecular Biology and Biotechnology published today in the scientific journal Cell Reports reveals the dendritic mechanisms that underlie […]
PhD.C. Spiros Chavlis was selected to attend the CAJAL winter school in Bordeaux, France
We are proud to announce the participation of our PhD student Spiros Chavlis to the CAJAL winter school: “The Brain Prize Course. The Hippocampus: from Circuits to Cognition”, in Bordeaux Neurocampus, France, 10-31 October. Spiros was selected among 20 highly competitive participants and was also awarded with a generous financial support from The Hippocampus journal.
FENS-Kavli Network of Excellence Mentoring and PhD Thesis Prizes
During the FENS Forum 2016 in Copenhagen, the FENS Kavli Scholars honored the Best Mentor and the Best PhD thesis for the years 2014-2016. The award winners were Prof. David Attwell, Fellow of the Royal Society (University College London) and Dr. Linda Katona (University of Oxford).
HSN travel fellowship to Alexandra Tzilivaki
Congratulations to Alexandra Tzilivaki for being awarded a travel grant by the Hellenic Society for Neuroscience in order to present her work at the FENS Forum 2016, the largest Neuroscience meeting in Europe!
Collaboration with Matthew Larkum through a NeuroCure Visiting Fellowship
We are excited to announce that Dr. Poirazi has been appointed a NeuroCure Visiting Fellow at the Charité University of Berlin as of April 1st 2016. The NeuroCure is a Cluster of Excellence in the neurosciences at the Charité ? Universitätsmedizin Berlin and its partners are the Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Freie Universität Berlin, Max-Delbrück Center […]
The road to independence: how to get funding in neuroscience
Check out the 3rd in a series of 10 opinion articles in the European Journal of Neuroscience by the FENS-Kavli Network of Excellence! The article offers a range of tips and points to current funding opportunities for young Neuroscientists trying to fund their research in Europe. The other 2 articles of this series can be […]