

  1.  Stavros Niarchos Foundation (SNF) and H.F.R.I. Theodoros Papazoglou Grant. (Project Number: 28056). “DendroLeap: A dendro-centric framework for learning optimization in biological and artificial systems.” The project was rated A in the 2023 ERC AdG call. 1/12/2024 – 30/5/2025, Budget: 1.250.000 €
  2. H.F.R.I. collaborative grant (Co-PI) with Georgia Gregoriou (PI): “COFLEX: Mechanisms of cognitive flexibility across primates, rodents and machines” 1/2/2024 – 31/12/2025, Total budget: 400.000,00 €, Lab budget: 200.000,00 €.
  3. Marie Curie Postdoctoral Fellowship of the European Commission. Project title “GABAergic INterneurons signaling ImbalancE; A promising target underlying PFC-dependent cognitive flexibility defects” 1/7/2022-30/6/2024, Total (FORTH & lab) budget: 153.486,00 €. Fellow: Anthi Apostolopoulou
  4. NIH grant No 1R01MH124867-01 (Co-PI), w. Attila Losonczy (PI), “Experimental and modeling investigations into microcircuit, cellular and subcellular determinants of hippocampal ensemble recruitment to contextual representations”, ΝΙΗ, 1/1/2021-31/12/2024, Total  budget: $3,000,000, Lab budget: $615,000.
  5. Einstein Visiting Fellowship, Einstein Foundation Berlin, “Investigating the mechanisms of behavioral flexibility”, Host: Larkum lab, Humboldt University, Berlin, 1/2020 – 12/ 2022, €449,771.
  6. FET Open project 863245 NEUREKA: “A smart, hybrid neural-computo device for drug discovery”, European Commission, 12/2019-11/2023, Total budget: €2,776,704, Lab budget: €753,250.
  7. FORTH Synergy Grant, EVO-NMDA: Evolution of the NMDA receptor and its role in cognitive functions (co-PI with Pavlos Pavlides, ICS-FORTH), 1/10/2019-30/9/21, Lab budget: €40,000.
  8. Foundation Santé (extension), “Linking dendritic properties of neurons to prefrontal function using a multi-disciplinary approach,” 4/2019-3/2020, Total/lab budget: €25,000.
  9. Foundation Santé, “Linking dendritic properties of neurons to prefrontal function using a multi-disciplinary approach,” 3/2018-2/2019, Total/lab budget: €25,000
  10. Niarchos Foundation postdoctoral fellowship to Dr. Thanasis Spathis 7/2017-7/2018, in collab. N. Tavernarakis. Lab budget: €27,000.
  11. Neurocure Visiting Grant, Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin, in collaboration with Matthew Larkum. Project title “Linking dendrites to PFC network function: a multidisciplinary approach.”1/04/2016-30/03/2018, budget: €30,000.
  12. Marie Curie Incoming European Fellowship of the European Commission. Project title “Evolution of gene regulatory networks by means of natural selection and genetic drift.” 1/04/2014-30/03/2016, €169,000.00Fellow: Pavlos Pavlidis.
  13. ERC STG 2012: dEMORY: ‘Dissecting the Role of dendrites in memory’, Funding: European Research Council, 2012-2017Budget: €1,398,000
  14. ΗΡΑΚΛΕΙΤΟΣ ΙΙ ‘Μελέτη microRNA-mRNA αλληλεπιδράσεων σχετιζόμενες με καρκίνο’Funding: General Secretary of Research and Technology, Hellas. PhD. Student: Nestoras Karathanassis, Co-P.I. Kriton Kalantidis. 2010-2013, Total Budget: €45,000
  15. Marie Curie Outgoing Fellowship of the European Commission. Project title “Cellular mechanisms underlying formation of the fear memory trace in the mouse amygdala.” 1/3/2010-28/2/2012, €205,071.00Fellow: Kyriaki Sidiropoulou.
  16. Marie Curie Individual Outgoing Fellowship of the Europeansup Commission. Project title “Computational modeling and physiological studies of neural form and function in the aging brain.” 1/3/2008-28/2/2010, €204,141.00  P.I & Fellow: Panayiota Poirazi
  17. EMBO Short Term Fellowship for visiting Alcino Silva’s lab at UCLA and receiving training in electrophysiology techniques. Funding: EMBO, 15/1/2008-15/3/2008, €6,800. Fellow: Panayiota Poirazi
  18. Levendis Foundation Grant for the establishment of an Electrophysiology Unit at IMBB-FORTH, Funding: Levendis Foundation1/2006, €109,175.
  19. PENED “Development of computational methods for genomic data analysis”, Funding: General Secretary of Research and Technology, Hellas. 1/2006-12/2008, €228.000, Lab budget: €129.600
  20. EMBO Young Investigator Award “Using Computational Methods to Understand Neural and Gene Function” Funding: EMBO 1/2005-12/2007. €69.600.
  21. ΠΡΑΞΕ “Development of a Software Package for the Analysis of Gene and/or Protein Expression Data.” Funding: General Secretary of Research and Technology, Hellas. 1/2004-6/2005, €30.000.
  22. Marie Curie Individual Fellowship of the European Commission. Project title “Using Expression Profiling to Identify Molecular Mechanisms in Malaria: Introducing Neural Networks for Microarray Data Analysis.” Proposal ranked 4th among 200 funded applications. Contract no: QLK6-CT2001-51031, €75.200 1/2002-6/2004.
  23. Levendis Foundation Grant for publication of postdoctoral research work, based on originality and impact on scientific community, €6,000 , 3/2001-9/2001.



  1. ELIDEK Postdoctoral Research Grant to Athanassia Papoutsi (hosted by the Poirazi lab, IMBB) and Meropi Mari (hosted by the Filippidis lab, IESL), “Synaptic Engram of Flexible Behavior”, 2018-2021, Total budget: €180,000.
  2. NARSAD Young Investigator Award to Athanassia Papoutsi, 2019-2021, Total budget: 70,000 USD



  1. ERC AdG (PI: Matthew Larkum, Partner: P. Poirazi) Cortical Coupling, GA: 101055340, Title: “Dendro-somatic Coupling and global neuronal signaling.” 1/1/2023-31/12/2027, Total budget: 2,500,000  €. Lab (&FORTH) budget: 196,250 €
  2. 2021 Ideas Grants, NHMRC Australia. “The role of memory engrams in the cortex” Coordinator: Lucy Palmer, 2022-2024, Total budget: 996.007,00 $ Lab (&FORTH) budget: 150.000,00 $.
  3. H2020 MSCA ITN 2019, 860949-SmartNets: “Advanced simulation, analysis and interpretation of network structures in biological data”, Coordinator: STICHTING KATHOLIEKE UNIVERSITEIT, 2020-2024, Total budget: €3,356,292 Lab (&FORTH) budget: €486,035
  4. H2020 MSCA RISE 2019, 873178-iNAVIGATE: “Brain-inspired technologies for intelligent navigation and mobility”, Coordinator: Radboud University Nijmegen, Funding: European Commission. 2019-2021, Total budget: €1,932,000.00, Lab (&FORTH) budget: €147,200.
  5. ΚΡΗΠΙΣ, BΙΟΣΥΣ: Ανάπτυξη Διεπιστημονικών Ερευνητικών Δραστηριοτήτων στην Κατεύθυνση της Βιολογίας Συστημάτων.Funding: General Secretary of Research and Technology, Hellas, 2013-2015. Total Budget: €2,527,000. Lab Budget: €30,000
  6. ERC Advanced Grant to Prof. A. Gravanis(funded with national funds). “3D Scaffolds hosting neural stem cells: developing Neuroimplants and Neurobiosensors.” 2012-2015. Total Budget: €1,700,000. Lab Budget: €40,000
  7. REGPOT: InnovCrete: ‘Unlocking the innovative capacity of multidisciplinary structural biology-driven research in Crete’, Funding: FP7-REGPOT-2012-2013-1, 2012-2015, Coordinator: M. Kokkinidis, Total Budget: €4,000,000. (The budget allocated to the Bioinformatics postdoc is ~90,000€
  8. Marie Curie Initial Training Network of the European Commission “Neuroelectronics and nanotechnology: towards a Multidisciplinary Approach for the Science and Engineering of Neuronal Networks” 2011-2015, Coordinator: University of Antwerp, Budget: €186,000
  9. HP-SEE ‘High-Performance Computing Infrastructure for South East Europe’s Research Communities’ Funding: EU, FP7-INFRASTRUCTURES-2010-2. 09/2010-09/2012.  Coordinator: GRNET, Total budget: €2,100,000Budget: €30,000
  10. ΣΥΝΕΡΓΑΣΙΑ: “Ανάπτυξη Εθνικού Δικτύου Γονιδιωματικής Έρευνας: Μεθοδολογική Προσέγγιση στην Βιολογία Συστημάτων.” Funding: General Secretary of Research and Technology, Hellas. 9/2010-9/2013.Total budget: €800,000, Budget: €41,500
  11. NSF 0515357 “Anatomical, Physiological, and Modeling Studies of Memory-Related Neural Form and Function”, Funding: NSF, USA. 30/9/2006-1/10/2009, $550,000. Lab budget: $66,000 P.I. Bartlett Mel
  12. PROGNOCHIP: “Development and Establishment of DNA Microarray Technology in Greece: Identification and Validation of Classification and Prognosis Molecular Markers for Breast Cancer”, Funding: General Secretary of Research and Technology, Hellas. 12/2003-12/2006, €350,000, Lab Budget: €11,628. P.I.George Thireos
  13. INFOBIOMED (NoE): “Structuring European Biomedical Informatics to Support Individualised Healthcare.” Funding: EU, IST-eHealth program, FP6-IST-507585. P.I. George Potamias


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